How I Got Hacked:


How I got hacked

Katherine Kister built up her former Instagram page @Momcoffeeandsand as a hobby, but soon found herself earning income from it and growing a following of 11,000 people. However, one day she was hacked and everything she built was thrown into jeopardy. Keep reading to learn Kath’s story.

Getting started as a creator

“I started my account as a hobby on the side of my 9-5 job - it came from a desire to be creative while sharing products that I loved. I built up a following of 11,000 followers, and began earning revenue from brand sponsorships and affiliate marketing. What started as a side hustle slowly evolved into almost a full time job”.

Mystery of getting hacked - and then blocked by Instagram

“I don’t know exactly how I was hacked. It just started with not being able to get into my account although I had the right password. After numerous days of trying and contacting Instagram, I somehow managed to reset the password. But my account had been blocked by Instagram already due to suspicious behavior. My account wasn’t visible to others and looked empty. 

I scoured Google, Youtube and Instagram for advice, but had no luck. Instagram never responded to any of my requests in the 4 week period of being locked out of my account. I only know that my pictures were gone and that there was another account with my pictures, which I managed to have taken down later on. As my account was compromised and literally blocked by Instagram, I decided to take it down and start again”.

Business down the drain 

“I was distraught because I poured so much hard work and time into that account. I’d done numerous sponsored posts with brands and my account became a meaningful source of revenue. Getting hacked meant that my engagement, likes and brand collabs all disappeared - along with my income”.

“I was distraught because I poured so much hard work and time into that account. I’d done numerous sponsored posts with brands and my account became a meaningful source of revenue. Getting hacked meant that my engagement, likes and brand collabs all disappeared - along with my income”.

An experience no one should endure

“Getting hacked on Instagram was a heartbreaking, nerve-wrecking and devastating experience - but I’ve come out stronger, with all security in place for my new account. Also, Instagram is no longer my sole platform which means I have different streams of income now”.

Advice for creators to protect their accounts against hacks

“Use multiple platforms to diversify your income - that way if you do get hacked, you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. Also make sure to set up 2FA for your account and cover your account with insurance - especially if you’re earning revenue from Instagram”.

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