Your Income Is Your Greatest Asset, Protect It

Whether you're a content creator or a traditional business owner, you finally have a way to insure your social media accounts against hacks.

Get Covered
Dark web scanning
Real Time monitoring
Got hacked message
message from Notch account Retrieval service

Onboarding and Underwriting Process

Purchasing a policy takes just minutes on our simple self-service platform. We provide tailored quotes to each customer, based on your social media activity and engagement.

After you purchase your insurance plan, you'll receive a digital version of your policy by email. We'll also scan the dark web to check if any of your details have been leaked previously, and begin monitoring your account for any suspicious activity.

Instagram profile
Total reimbursement message

What is Loss of Income Insurance?

Loss of income insurance (or Business Interruption Insurance) means that you are entitled to severance over lost income if you lose the ability to continue operating your digital asset.

Notch will reimburse you for the revenue you lost for up to 3 months. For example, for coverage of $45K, you’ll get paid $500 every day until we recover your account or up to 90 days.

Retrieval Service

If your account gets hacked, a claim will automatically be filed. Once your claim is approved, our cyber experts begin working to retrieve your account so you can get back to creating content ASAP.

Our team is trained in guiding creators through Instagram's long and confusing support process for hacked accounts - and leverages connections within the platform to ensure a high retrieval rate.

message from Notch account retrieval service

Imagine you just got hacked. Now what?

Not only the payout, we work to retrieve your account as you’re getting paid.

Get Covered


We’ll inform you immediately


You’ll get paid, daily


We’ll retrieve your account


You’re back in business

Other creators also asked


Why is two-factor authentication important?


Why am I not eligible for a quote?


How does the claims process work?


Can I cancel my coverage at any time during the policy period even if I pay annually?


Do I have to give out my Instagram credentials to get covered?

Insure your account,
Starting $8 /month

Create and earn on Instagram without the fear of losing everything to a hack.

"Losing my account and income due to hacking has always been a fear in the back of my mind. Once I heard about Notch, I signed up!"

Skye Polk

"Insurance against hacks for Instagram creators is HUGELY important. Wished I would have known about it before.”

Anna Roberts

“I’ve heard so many horror stories of creators losing access to their accounts and the peace of mind is definitely worth it for me.”

Rich Webster

"My worst fear is losing my account and all my hard work, that’s why I'm so excited about Notch.״

Chasity Hobbs

"I’m so excited that we don’t have to have the underlying fear of losing your account to a hacker anymore."

Millie Adrian

"IG was our full time business. It was our only source of income - and suddenly it was all gone."

Flip Flop Wanderers

"The feeling of losing my account was so stressful and overwhelming. So glad I have Notch Insurance!"

Tiara Roby

"It's important for me to protect my account! Notch is the FIRST insurance for creators that covers your account against hacks."

Braden Galloway

"I never thought that I would get hacked, but hackers are getting very clever these days. We need back up plans like Notch to help right away."

Alex Masterskya

"I thought I was safe with 2FA and couldn't believe I got hacked! Notch is the best way to protect your IG and your business"

Vacation Team

"After putting so much of my life on IG, I was so thrilled to learn that Notch insures your digital assets!"

Linda Vivah

"I had dream last night that my Instagram got hacked. Immediately woke up and bought coverage"

Unicorn Bae Shop

“People need to take care of their business because their business takes care of them”

Tessa Padwa

“With Notch I can focus on creating with no worries”

Adam's Coffee

“Notch is the new way creators should treat their social media account - as a business."

Mor Swid